Adelaide Tax Accountants

it in nine minutes  so here is going to be our opening  spread for our newborn Adelaide Tax Accountants you’ll see I do  have some common templates that I like  find what you like and then try to use  it throughout a session now actually I  wanted to show you one more cool thing  you see this image here I see a light  and I’m socket in the background I want  to edit that you know what the client  may not see it but I see it so

I’m just  going to quickly edit it so I’m just  going right up here in photo shoot might  win Photoshop my um rectangular marquee  tool and I’m just going to select it  then I’m going to hit delete for content  aware and there we go now what’s  interesting is when I save this and  close out of this something interesting  happens it automatically imports and  updates my album how awesome is that now  let’s just do one more because I see it  on this image as well so we’re going to  use our marquee tool em if you want a  shortcut we’re going to select it hit  delete good

perfect i’m going to save  that image i’m going to close out great  and now it’s updating see how convenient  so our album is done i want to show you  too cool options now most of us will  prove our album designs to our clients  and smart albums has a very convenient  cloud proofing software that allows you  to export so right here we’re going to  export and I leave off the password  because just makes things easier  and just so that

I can test it to show  you what it looks like you know what  I’ll use my personal email and in the  matter of about a minute this will  completely upload now typically i’ll  send the clients a message it says dear  client i’m so excited to share this  album with you kindly review this and  please let me know if you have any  changes included in your album design is  one round of changes if you need a  second round of changes we can happily  do so for ninety five dollars per round  and if the coin has any changes